225 Hereward Radio badge
Essex Radio “greatest memories latest hits” badge
BBC Radio Leicester "Real Live" badge (late 80s)
BBC Wiltshire Sound badge
Radio Mercury May Madness badge
Radio Trent badge 1980s
Radio Trent Castle Rock badge
BBC Radio 1 assorted badges 1980s and 1990s
Radio Oxford 202 badges
Downtown Radio 293 badge
GWR No Rap, Less Chat badge
Radio 210 "Closer to you" badge
Radio Victory 257 badge
BBC Radio Shropshire badge 1980s
BBC Radio Scotland 1980s badge
BBC Radio 2 badge - 1995/96
XFM badge - 2000s
BBC Radio badge
BBC Radio Birmingham 206 / 95.6 badge
Xpress Radio (Cardiff) student radio badge