We welcome, nah encourage, contributions of radio merchandise to the Archive from everyone!

Anyone can register for a user profile and then get uploading their collection of radio merch for all to see. We ask though that everyone reads and follows these guidelines when contributing to the Archive...

The Two Golden Rules:

While most of this page is just for guidance, the following two points are both 'must-dos' to help us maintain the quality and legality of the Archive...

1. All photos added to the archive must be either your own or ones that you have permission from the owner to upload.
Please don't copy and add images from eBay, Google, social media or other sources without permission of the original owner of the image.

2. Genuine/original items only - no reproductions.
We've absolutely nothing against reproductions but it will reduce the authenticity and nostalgia of the archive if it simply gets loaded up with modern-day remakes.

Other Guidance

Please also try to follow as many of the following points as possible to ensure the quality and usability of the Archive...

Ideally, each upload should be a single item (or multiples of the same item) so that it can be suitably categorised with station, product type and era to help others to browse/search the Archive effectively. There is, however, a "Mixed/Collection" category that you can use if you are unable to add items individually.

Try to categorise each upload as accurately as possible, again to maintain the accuracy of the Archive. We reserve the right to recategorise any items you upload if necessary.

Items look best photographed on plain backgrounds. Try to avoid clutter or non-merch items in the background if you can!

We reserve the right to edit any uploaded images if required to make them look their best in the archive. This may include cropping them, adjusting the brightness/contrast or removing background items.

Review of your initial uploads

To maintain the quality of the Archive, we review the first few additions from all new users before publishing them fully to the site. We aim not to take too long about it though so your merch should be fully visible on the site in the next day or two at the most.

You can continue to add more items in the meantime though and we'll review and publish them all ASAP. Once we've approved the first few of your items, your account will be upgraded and your future posts will then go straight onto the site without needing to be reviewed first.

Bulk Uploads

If you've got lots that you'd like to add to the Archive, but don't have the time (or inclination!) to add each item individually, we have a few options to help you get things into the Archive more quickly.

This service is available if you have 30 or more items that you want to add in one go. Contact us for further details.

The Small-ish Print

By uploading content and images to the Archive, you agree that:

  • All uploaded images remain the copyright of the uploader/original owner of the image.
  • We may occasionally make edits to an uploaded image and replace the original with an edited version if deemed necessary to increase the image quality (eg adjust brightness, crop the image, remove background items etc)
  • We may occasionally amend information in uploaded entries to maintain the accuracy/quality of the Archive. (eg to correct wrong information, fix typos etc)
  • We may share your uploaded image/listing on social media to promote your upload and/or the Archive as a whole.
  • We may use uploaded images in a montage alongside images from other users for promotional materials.