Archive tops 3,000 items

The UK Radio Merchandise Archive reached a new milestone over the weekend of 10th/11th August as we reached (and quickly exceeded!) 3,000 items on the website.

When we first set out to build the site, we hoped that we'd maybe get a few hundred items listed in the Archive - perhaps even a thousand at a push. So to already have more than 3 times our original expectation in under 3 months since launch is fantastic!

And we're live!

So after weeks/months of building, uploading and testing, we're delighted to say that The UK Radio merchandise Archive is now officially open as of Friday 24th May!

Thanks to everyone who has helped us to get the website project to this point and we very much hope that everyone who visits finds it an interesting stroll down radio memory lane.

Happy Anoraking!

"Strangely Addictive!"

With the Early Access doors now open on the Archive, it's been great to read some of the initial feedback on the site so far!

Thanks to those who have taken the time to get in touch with your comments, which include:

"Loving the site so far and it's going to have for media geeks a radio rabbit hole. So thanks for coming up with this."

"It's already becoming a rather nice collection and I'm seeing some items for the first time which is always nice."

"I can see I'm going to waste, erm I mean, spend hours on here!"

Early Access now open

As we take a step closer to launching the full version of the website, we're pleased to have started welcoming some early visitors to the archive.

If you previously signed up for early access then thanks for your interest and welcome!

As we said in your welcome email, we want to still keep the site largely under wraps just for now while we do the finishing touches so please keep it to yourself just for now!

An idea 18 months in the making!

It was late 2022 when we first had the idea for a new website packed full of retro radio merchandise. We'd worked with the brilliant to build their new website earlier in the year and thought it would be great to do something similar for #radiomerch.

Enjoy more #radiomerch news and posts on with the following accounts:




Other great radio accounts on :

@Aircheck Downloads


@Capital Radioland